To BE WELL means to take steps to be in control
with your health.

Why with your health and not control of your health?

Because it’s not a combat situation! And it’s not about exerting dominance over your body or your environment to get your desired results. That would be an exhausting and losing battle in the end. Has it ever worked to order yourself to “just be calm!” when you’re panicking? Probably not.

The same goes for when you are deciding to eat a cookie or an apple. You tell yourself you should choose the apple. But that doesn’t always tip the scales in the healthy-choice direction. That’s because there’s more to being healthy than following rules and strategies as dictated to you. That’s when understanding about Whole Health becomes important.

WHOLE HEALTH | All the elements that contribute to being in control with your health.

BE WELL | All the tools to empower and make lasting, beneficial change.

The cycles of thought that repeat.
Our inner dialogue.

Our vehicle. Our activities.
What allows us to move and
interact with others.

Our belief in ourselves.
Our connection to the Higher Self.
Faith in something larger than ourselves.

The networks that surround
us and support us.

Each person can be an active participant in their quest for Whole Health and Wellness!

With this initiative, they will:

  • Learn how to stay calm and grounded
  • Make the intentional choice that goes beyond the moment and the pulls of habit and desire
  • Find gratitude and engage with life more deeply
  • Eat mindfully and exercise often, reducing the possibility of chronic disease

We are here to give you, our Coalition Partners, the means to translate the BE WELL tools to your community members.

Watch this video story to see how BE WELL can be put into action by your community.

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BE WELL Passport and Sticker Set

Document your Journey to Wellness by getting the sticker set for each Whole Health element to put in your Passport booklet.

Passports and Stickers are free of charge! This is made possible in part by generous donations from Olympic Medical Center, Molina Health Care, and individual supporters.

Receive yours today by filling out this form.

Find more information on how to use each sticker by going to the BE WELL Whole Health Element pages: MIND, BODY, SPIRIT, COMMUNITY.

Refer to our Resource Library, Coalition Partner Directory, and Activity Calendar for find supportive tips, engaging events, and more by local experts and businesses.

Coalition Partners will receive BE WELL news in the newsletter and at monthly Coalition Partner meetings.
Not yet a Coalition Partner? Sign up here!